Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Trip to New Bern

We drove to the place that GPS directed us --- the New Bern Downtown. I couldn't stop feeling that we got to the wrong place because there was no skyscrapers to be seen. We got off our car and walked around. The city was so quiet that I hated myself for breaking the silence at the same time could not button up my lips as I could not stand such almost absolute silence. We noticed that the houses next to the streets are very old, many of which were built in 1800s. As we saw bears in front of most of the houses, we were sure that we came to the right place.
New Bern, the original capital of North Carolina, seats about two hours drive east of Raleigh (the current capital and the place I live). New Bern was settled in 1710 as a Swiss immigrant settlement. It was named after Bern (the capital of Switzerland), which means "Bear" in German. Because of that, the city deployed about fifty bears statues in downtown New Bern. It was fun for us trying to find all those bears, each of which is colorful and interesting.

Walking several blocks toward the bay, we saw boats and people fishing. An old church that was built in 1700s is seated in the middle of downtown. Next to the church is a playground with kids playing and a graveyard, which seems strange for me that as a Chinese I think graveyard scary and children would not dare to play around. Most of buildings are typical American style in red, occasionally blue or green. So it was very surprising to see a yellow, mid-east style building (probably a Muslim church) seats next to the bay.

Learned from Wikipedia that New Bern developed a rich culture and have the oldest active theater in America---the Masonic Theater. We looked for the Masonic theater with imagination that it would be magnificent. With some difficulties, we found it, which turned out to be an ordinary looking rundown building. Maybe that is why New Bern is fascinating: no skyscrapers, no fancy shopping stores, but a peaceful and quiet town with rich history and diverse culture.

Monday, November 21, 2011


反过来,也有的小孩子真是成熟的让我佩服。上周末去了一对韩国夫妇家里玩,他们家有四个小孩,最大和最小的是女孩,中间两个男孩。大女儿叫Grace,今年 11岁,之前我也见过。这次在一起吃饭聊天,我发现Grace真的是很成熟,或许是家里老大的原因,一点都没有小孩子气,跟她聊天就和跟同龄人聊天一样。 她的两个弟弟,一个七八岁的样子,另一个四岁,挺淘气的但很有规矩,大人一管就听。让我惊叹的是,Grace也会管教她的这两个弟弟,而且他们真的服她 管。Grace很有姐姐的威严,虽然大了就几岁。Grace给我的感觉是一点都不像那种叛逆的tennager,说话的时候很有礼貌,自己的观点表达的很 清楚,帮忙照顾弟弟妹妹,也不追求穿着,很朴素。我真的蛮佩服的,想想十一岁时的自己,为了一点小事都和姐妹们吵的不可开交呢。

What you need to be a good researcher

This American Life 450: So Crazy It Just Might Work
Act One: Mr.  Holland's Opus

Through the above story, I see the characteristics of being a scientist: creativity, rigorousness and perseverance. I have a long way to go.