Wednesday, March 23, 2011

presentation suggestions

A friend asked me about presentation skills. I give him some suggestions and I would love to share them with all you guys, my friends.

Some suggestions for doing presentation:

1) Speak loudly

2) Try to relax and look naturally

3) Smile when you welcome people to your presentation, make yourself look friendly and nice

4) Face your audience, try to have eye contacts with everyone, not just stare at the front rows

5) Gestures should be above the waist

6) American people like big gestures, try to avoid small gestures

7) Rehearsal before presentation, if you don't have enough time, at lease prepare the introduction part well

8) Try to have more pitch jumps, and the emphasis should be put on new information or important words

9) Use transitions !

10) At the end, summarize your presentation. You may also have some shorter conclusions in the middle of your presentation.

11) Try to eliminate two many "Uh"s "Umm"s between words or sentences

12) If you are nervous, be careful about what you hold in your hand. Otherwise, it may turn out to be annoying.

13) For short conference presentation, you may prefer to finish your presentation without interruptions of questions from the audience. You can tell the audience to ask questions after your presentation.

14) If there are questions, make sure you get the questions. You can repeat the question or summarize the question before you answer it. This can make sure you get the right question and also let other audience know the question.

15) If you don't hear some certain words or some parts of the question clearly, ask that person speak more slowly, or explain in another way, just for the part you missed.

16) If you feel completely lost, firstly  try to find out from which slide the question is (ask the questioner), then ask him/her to repeat his/her question again.

17) If you don't know the answer of a question, or it's too complicated to answer in several minutes, ask the questioner to discuss with you offline.

18) Check the pronunciations of the keywords you will use repeatedly in your presentation, make sure you pronounce the keywords correctly!

19) Do check typos in your slides

20) Stand straightly, move a little bit can make you look more relax (But I am not sure whether it's good or not for conference presentation).

21) Try to avoid grammar mistakes

22) Be confident and show your passion to your work

23) You need pause a lot for in presentation, much more than you normally speak to another person. You have to give the audience time to process all the new informations.
Pause at the right place, i.e. pause when you say something important, when a sentence is over, etc.

24) Repeat a lot, especially some notations in your equations and keywords. You need to repeat at least 3 times before your audience can get it.

25) DO NOT read your slides. It's very weird to speak like reading. Slides are just visual aids for your presentation. DO NOT rely on it!

26) Font size should be at least 22 pts. At most TEN lines per slide.

27) No full sentence in slides ! Try to use short phases.

28) DO NOT flip your slides back and forth! If you need something more that once, put it on the slides again.

29) Every slide should have its own name. Two slides should NOT use the same name.

30) Have some FUN! :)
If you can spend lots of time to do your work very well, then why not spend a little bit more time to prepare for your presentation. Presentation is your Show Time!

I wish this could help you to improve your presentation skills. Welcome to share your experiences with me !

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