Friday, February 11, 2011

Bad luck happenes to everyone. Disaster happenes when bad luck comes to a person who can't survive from it.

VOA Special English American History: Hoover Wins in 1928

Alfred Smith from the Democratic Party and Herbert Hoover from the Republican Party ran for president at 1928.

"Alfred Smith. A Democrat. A Roman Catholic. A politician from New York city. A man wanting some social change."

"Herbert Hoover. A Republican. A businessman who had proven the dream that even a poor boy could become great in America. A man who seemed to succeed with every effort he touch."

Alfred Smith against the new national laws of banning alcoholic drinks. Herbert Hoover was for it.

Herbert Hoover won the election.

But, it was Hoover's bad luck to be elected just before the worst economic crisis in US, the Great Depression. It was a pity that Hoover was the wrong person to guide US through its troubled waters.

1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the supporter of Alfred Smith, was elected as the 32nd President of the United States, who led the United States during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world war.

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