Tuesday, February 22, 2011


A Bad example.
Papaer A 解决问题Q的方法考虑了条件 1 和条件 2,但是没考虑条件 3。
Papaer B 解决问题Q的方法考虑了条件 1 和条件 3,但是没考虑条件 2。
你的Paper 解决问题Q的方法考虑了条件 1,2,3,结论:你方法优于 Paper A 和Paper B。
这样的paper在Wireless Networking方向是没有出路的。
结束语:Wireless Networking方向的好paper不在于它们给出的解决方法多完美,多复杂,好paper好在它们从一个新的角度看待问题,发现了新的问题。Review决定收不收你的paper更多是看你坑挖的有多深,不是看你坑填的多满。

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

online books

喜欢读英文书的朋友差不多都知道这个在线书库,该书库几 乎每天都有新书增加进来,目前其所拥有的在线免费图书已超过2万本,内容涉及众多领域,阅读格式也 多种多样。最好的是,你可以通过每本书所提供的链接,还能顺藤摸瓜地找到其他很多非常有价值的在线书库和丰富多彩的内容。本文所提供的其他一些书库就是本 人通过这一书库的线索找到的。

Making of America(MOA)是研究美国从南北战争到重建时期社会、历史、文化的极佳的网上资源,当然其收藏内容远不止于此,欧洲各国的历史以及著名作家的经 典著作也非常之多,比如英国湖畔派诗人的全集、休谟的英国史(6卷本)、基佐的法国文明史(8卷本)等等,而且所有图书皆为图形格式或PDF格式,并且都 是扫描输入的,原汁原味。遗憾的是,出于版权保护的考虑,所收图书的作者差不多都是已故距今至少70年以上的。其中很多书都有极高的收藏价值。遗憾之处是 其PDF格式不能整本下载。

3. http://posner.library.cmu.edu/Posner/ 
这 里还要向大家极力推荐Posner先生的这个个人藏书网站,书籍的数量虽然不是很多,但每本差不多都是善本,甚至可能有孤本。比如他所收藏的莎士比亚戏 剧集居然是第一个剧团演出本!吉本的《罗马帝国兴衰史》好像也是第一版的。所有图书皆为原书扫描输入,保留了这些善本书的全貌,非常值得藏书家收藏!缺点 也跟MOA一样,不能整本下载。 个人非常推荐!~

4. http://www.archive.org/details/texts
Internet Archive也是一个不错的在线书库,其中的百万书库项目(Million Book Project)号称到2005年底要将百万册图书数字化,不过到目前为止该书库好像只有1万多本书,但这样的成绩也很不错啦。其中的很多书都有 DjVu、PDF版,也有不少好书,值得一看。

5. http://www.bartleby.com/ 
Bartleby.com 敢号称自己是“Great Books Online”当然有其理由,因为光它的“哈佛经典丛书”就多达100卷,哪位读者要是能将其读完,我看成为大师级人物应该不成问题。此外还有很多极有价 值的百科全书和词典,比如哥伦比亚百科全书(第六版)、美国文化遗产词典、名人名言词典等,所有的辞汇还都带发音,相当不错。




这 是自由基金会组织建立的在线书库,经常更新,而且差不多都是经典著作,涵盖了社会政治、哲学、经济、历史等多领域的著作,很多著作还是扫描输入的PDF 版,比如吉本的12卷本《罗马帝国兴衰史》就是原书复印的,而且可以全书下载。此外像格拉斯哥版的亚当·斯密全集据说也是斯密最好的版本。 这里也推荐~

帕 修斯数字图书馆是研究西方古典著作的最佳网站,几乎所有目前遗存的古希腊和古罗马经典都能在此找到,很多书都有希腊文、拉丁文原本以及英文译本,而且有 希腊文和拉丁文词汇研究工具,原文著作中的几乎每一个词都可以点击察看其英文词意以及使用频率等。除此之外,该图书馆还有英国文艺复兴时期书库,有莎士比 亚和马洛的全部戏剧。 但现在外网似乎已经登不上去。

古登 堡项目可以说是目前全球最大的免费在线图书网站,有很多书库,包括上面的一些书库都收藏有古登堡的图书。虽然其中的大多数书籍都是TXT格式的,但也 有一部分书制作还算不错,比如爱德蒙·伯克的12卷本全集、带有著名画家达利插图的但丁《神曲》等,此外还有一些图书的音频资料。缺点是这个网站经常会上 不去。 不知道什么时候又不能上,我在学校里的网络限制还好些,很多在外网被封禁的网站都能顺利浏览。




16. http://www.woyouxian.com/index/20index.html 
17.http://www.literature.org/                                                                                                                   也是一個很不錯的在綫閲讀網站。主要都是文學方面的作品。
19.http://www.en8848.com.cn                                                                                                                 一个比较不错的英文小说阅读网,很多国内流行的畅销书的PDF版都能在里面找到,而且质量通常都不错。

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Books on Critical thinking and Writing

If I have time, I would like to read the following books.

On Thinking
1) The art of thinking : a guide to critical and creative thought
   by Ruggiero, Vincent Ryan.
2) Reasoning
   by Scriven, Michael.
3) Beyond feelings : a guide to critical thinking
   by Ruggiero, Vincent Ryan.
4) Making your mind matter : strategies for increasing practical intelligence
   by Ruggiero, Vincent Ryan.

On Writing
1) Style : the basics of clarity and grace
Joseph M. Williams.
2) Style : lessons in clarity and grace
Joseph M. Williams.
3) The craft of argument
Joseph M. Williams, Gregory C. Colomb.
4) The craft of research
Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Kindle eBooks I've finished so far

1) Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know by Hamilton Wright Mabie

2) How to Make Money with Social Media: An Insider's Guide on Using New and Emerging Media to Grow Your Business by Jamie Turner

3) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Carroll Lewis

4) Beauty and the Beast by Beaumont, Marie Le Prince de

Friday, February 11, 2011

Bad luck happenes to everyone. Disaster happenes when bad luck comes to a person who can't survive from it.

VOA Special English American History: Hoover Wins in 1928

Alfred Smith from the Democratic Party and Herbert Hoover from the Republican Party ran for president at 1928.

"Alfred Smith. A Democrat. A Roman Catholic. A politician from New York city. A man wanting some social change."

"Herbert Hoover. A Republican. A businessman who had proven the dream that even a poor boy could become great in America. A man who seemed to succeed with every effort he touch."

Alfred Smith against the new national laws of banning alcoholic drinks. Herbert Hoover was for it.

Herbert Hoover won the election.

But, it was Hoover's bad luck to be elected just before the worst economic crisis in US, the Great Depression. It was a pity that Hoover was the wrong person to guide US through its troubled waters.

1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the supporter of Alfred Smith, was elected as the 32nd President of the United States, who led the United States during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world war.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Kindle: Listen to Music While You Read

Although this is for Kindle 2, it also works on Kindle 3.

Kindle 2: Listen to Music While You Read
Contributed by shamanstears March 2, 2009   

If you enjoy listening to music while you read, then you’re in luck. By loading some of your favorite MP3’s onto your Kindle, you’ll be able to listen to your favorite songs as you read your ebook goodness.

1. Connect your Kindle to your computer with the USB cord.
2. Copy the desired MP3 files to the Kindle’s music directory.

3. Eject your Kindle from your computer.
4. While at the Kindle’s Home screen, click the MENU button.
5. Select Experimental.

6. Select Play MP3. The music will begin playing (in the order that it was installed onto the Kindle).

7. Now go back to the Home screen and select the ebook that you want to read.
Enjoy your ebook and music. You can use ALT+F to move to the next song and ALT+Spacebar to Pause/Play the current song.

Converting a PDF file to a Kindle for iPhone readable version

Converting a PDF file to a Kindle for iPhone readable version: very good tutorial.

Add some notes and Put it here in case the web page could not work later.

What you need.
1. PDF you want to convert into an Kindle for iPhone readable format.
2. Mobipocket Creator software (free download at http://www.mobipocket.com/en/DownloadSoft/DownloadCreator.asp).
(p.s. There is only Windows version of Mobipocket Creator.  If you are working on Mac or Linux, you can use Calibre, see my post here.)

1. You have a PC with iTunes installed.
2. You have Kindle for iPhone installed.
3. You know how to save files in directories and then find them again later.
4. You know how to find & open programs.
5. You can be a little patient. (This is VERY hard for me sometimes.)
What you do.
Make sure you are synced up with iTunes.  This is only just in case you have a problem you are all backed up (this is just the IT coming out).
Keep your iPhone connected to your PC.
Install Mobipocket Creator.  You must have the Creator.
Start Mobipocket Creator.  Open your PDF by clicking the “Adobe PDF” link under the “Import From Existing File” menu on the home page (see the pink arrow on the image below).

Click the “Browse” button and click on your file name and click “Open”.

Then click “Import”.  The status bar will show you your import.
Click the “Build” button along the top row.

Pause a moment.  If you are feeling adventurous, explore the options on the right hand side (Cover Image, Table of Contents, Book settings, Metadata, Guide).  I’m not going into them here, but would be happy to answer any questions.
(p.s. If you want your eBook display the title and author correctly, you need go to Metadata to change them. You can also add cover for your ebook through Cover image, and more.)

Click the “Build” button.

You are now ready to import your file into you Kindle for iPhone.
Open iTunes
Click on your iPhone (mine is called iPhone but yours may have another name) on the left hand menu bar.
Click on “Apps” at the top.

Scroll down.
Click on Kindle

Click on the “Add…” button.

Find your newly created “prc” file.  It should be in “My Documents” “My Publications” and then look for a subdirectory with the name of the PDF file. In this case the subdirectory is  “Love Unscripted”.
Click on the file name with the “prc” extension. Then click the “Open” button.

Your file will appear in the list box and your iPhone will automatically sync.

The next time you open your Kindle for iPhone an additional file (a “mbp” file) will be added to the list box.

DO NOT DELETE THESE FILES! If you delete them they will be removed from your Kindle as well and you will have to do this whole thing all over again.

You now have your converted PDF in you Kindle for iPhone.

Convert pdf to Kindle eBook: Mobipocket eBook Creator + Calibre

Mobipocket eBook Creator Publisher edition: Convert pdf to Kindle eBook on Windows.

Mobipocket eBook reader + creator

E-Book Converter for Mac and Linux

One of them is Calibre. Here is a nice vedio tutorial for using Calibre.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Goodbyes-a very good story By Cristina Henríquez

Goodbyes on The American Scholar.org
A very good story. Melli's feeling of living in US touched my heart.

In Houston, Melli was often alone. She would walk around campus by herself, hurrying from one class to the next with her backpack high on her back like a turtle’s shell. She strode briskly to give herself an air of purpose and to keep herself out of the gaze of other students, who she feared would try to talk to her if she remained in one place long enough to give them a chance. It was a paradox: she yearned to meet people and to make friends, yet she was so self-conscious about her rickety English that she couldn’t bear the thought of going up to anyone and introducing herself. Or, as she sometimes wondered, was language merely an excuse? 

After a few semesters, though, her English improved and Melli gained confidence—first, enough to answer questions during class, and then, to speak more freely with the employees in the dining hall, bookstore, and student center. Eventually, she started lingering after class, talking to other students, spending time with them on weekends. She started dating, a few men right in a row. She felt as if she had found a home, a new place in which to carve out her life, and that even though she had hacked away at it crudely for a time, she had cleared the debris and could settle down and feel respectable and happy.

Still, Melli lived with the sensation that people were oil slicked and that even when they collided, they slid right past each other, perhaps lifting one thin layer off the surface upon contact, but never exposing to anyone what lay beneath. It was different from what she had experienced at home, where she had felt affronted by her family’s rough edges and pointed elbows. There, Alfonso, Jaime, Melli, and their mother had constantly been in each other’s space – physically and emotionally – and yet, even under the blanketing of them, Melli had often felt alone. People surrounded her, yet she felt isolated, as if no one understood her nor she anyone else. ...